Elma B

Bee farm Elma B produces honey and beeswax products in Finland. The company's operating model is to give a little bit of premium. This means beautiful handmade products in nature and bee-friendly way.

Elma B harvests honey from different areas. The consistency depends on the surrounding vegetation. By mixing the honeys separately, the unique taste of each one is saved. All the honey is harvested by hand.

Harvesting plants are for example deciduous trees' honeydew and willow herbs, clovers and garden flowers.

Elma B's honey products are made in old village store. Elma B-products don't contain any artificial taste, scent, colour, preservation or other additives.

Elma B does not move the beehives to get better harvesting results. The bees aren't medicated or pollination enhanced. The operating method is having wooden hives, a lot of handcraft, clean environment and and short distances between farms.